Animals in Distress Report

AfiFarm detects health issues based on data measurement deviations to standard, specific behaviors. For farms with AfiCollars, the Afimilk system relies on deviations to an animal's standard rumination and/or eating behavior to detect a problem. Data measurement deviations are compared to recent behavior patterns to diagnose when health issues continue to deteriorate.

To prevent false alerts, our health reports detect cows with prolonged, permanent changes of ingestion data.

However, diseases such as milk fever and acute acidosis present with the sudden onset of symptoms. In these cases, cows suddenly stop eating and ruminating. When this happens, it is crucial to quickly identify these cows and provide immediate treatment, thus reducing harm to the animal and, in extreme cases, preventing death.

The AfiFarm configuration includes animal health issue detection of severe and immediate degradation. This type of detection looks for sharp drops in current measurements versus the last previous measurement.

The alert on the dashboard indicates the number of animals in the report.

Understand the Detailed Report

The detailed report lists the animals at risk of acute health issues. The report provides data detailing when the symptoms were first detected and any recent health events.




Animal number.


Each animal's group number.


Each animal's milk status.

Gyn. Status

Each animal's gynecological status.

Lact. no.

Animal's current lactation number.


The number of days in her current lactation.


The animal's age in months.

Days pregnant

The number of days the animal is PD+.


The length of time (in days) since the onset of symptoms were detected.

Start time

The hour and date that acute symptoms were first detected.

Recent health events

Lists any recent, confirmed diagnoses.

The Animals in Distress feature is only available to farms with the AfiCollar configuration.