Calving Period
Everything you need to know to manage calving season.
Mating Period
Use AfiFarm to identify which animals to breed and when.
Post-Mating Period
Make sure to optimize the post-mating season.
Dry Period
Identify and separate all animals that must be sent to dry.
Active Tags Management
Receive, assign, and manage active Afimilk ID tags.
Afi2Go Prime
Welcome to paperless, streamlined, real-time, and online farming.
Find out all you need to know about managing your herd's fertility.
Health and Welfare
Keep updated on individual cow health and group's welfare to ensure quick, apt responses.
Streamline data flow between AfiFarm and MINDA to ensure data integrity.
Animal Data Management
Monitor and manage all animals and events.
Farm Data Management
Monitor and manage farm operations.
Afimilk Parlor and Production Quality
Manage your parlor, milk quality, and animal health.
Milking Efficiency
Promote best milking practices for optimal udder health and parlor throughput.
MPC Milk Meter and Control Box
Manage milking points and other parlor functions.
Feeding and Nutrition
Manage group and individual feed allocations for all lactation cycles.
Maintenance, Calibration, Faults
Make sure all your devices are working well.
What's New